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Ringwood shurch of Englang Infant School

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  • Newsletter - Summer 2 2021

    Mon 14 Jun 2021
  • Letter to New Parents of children starting in September 2021

    Tue 08 Jun 2021

    Dear Parents and Carers, 

    Firstly, I would like to say how excited we are that your child/children will be joining us in September. It has been another strange year and we are sorry that we have not had the chance to meet you in person in the ways we would have previously. The purpose of this letter is to outline our transition plans moving forwards, which we hope will enable us to meet you and your children in person in the coming months. 

    I am sure that you are aware that the current Year R staff have been visiting the pre-schools over the past couple of weeks. The purpose of these visits has been to talk to the children a little about coming to school and to answer any questions that the children might have. 

    On June 30th, we would like to invite you into school in small groups to come and meet your child’s teacher and to see the classroom your child will be in next year. As we need to continue to observe social distancing currently, only one adult per household will be able to attend and we would ask that you wear a mask at all times. This will ensure the safety and wellbeing of all the adults involved. To limit the number on site at a time, each class will have a different time slot. The parents in Hedgehogs will have the 6pm slot, Rabbits parents will have the 7pm slot and Squirrels parents the 8pm slot. We will let you know which class your child is in nearer the time. Please arrive at your allotted time slot and we will ask you to queue up at the gates that lead into the back of our school playground. I will then speak to parents briefly, either in the hall or the playground depending on the weather, and you will then have the chance to speak to your child’s class teacher and see the classroom. We would ask you to leave once you have had the chance to meet the teacher so that we minimise congestion as much as possible.   

    In order to help the children to know their new class teacher a little better, they are currently making videos for the children so they can introduce themselves. These will be available on our school website by Friday July 2nd.  

    We will be continuing with our usual changeover day and this will take place on Monday 5th July. The children will arrive in groups of 10 throughout the morning and will have the chance to spend some time with their class teacher and some of the children that will be in their class. The times are 9.00-10.00, 10.15-11.15 and 11.30-12.30. When you visit for your evening on June 30th, the class teacher will let you know which door to bring your child to on that morning. Once the visit times for each child have been confirmed, we will let you know. Our plan is to group the children in their pre-school groups as much as possible, to minimise them mixing with too many children from different settings. 

    Thinking ahead to September, we are planning to hold our ‘home visits’ in the same way as last year. We will be inviting one parent and their child into school for a 1:1 session with the teacher in their new classroom. This will give your child the opportunity to once again see their classroom and meet their teacher before they begin school later that week. The likely dates for these visits will be September 6th, 7th, 8th and we will ask you to sign up for one of these when you visit on June 30th.  

    I think that is all I needed to share with you at this stage. As I said previously, we are very excited for your child to join us in September and look forward to meeting you in the near future as we being this important partnership together.  

    Kind regards, 

    Hilary Silk 

    Head Teacher 

    Ringwood CE Infant School 


Ringwood Church of England Infant School

Ringwood Church of England Infant School

School Lane, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 1LG