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Ringwood shurch of Englang Infant School

Interactive Bar

Badgers - Year 1

London's Burning


In Badgers, we have had an amazing time learning all about the Great Fire of London. Our learning started all those weeks back when Mr Woods, the firefighter turned up at school with a suitcase full of artefacts. He had found the suitcase in the fire station attic and we were asked to look into them and help explain what they might all be about.


We learnt many white hat facts about the Great Fire of London and particularly enjoyed Debate Day. We listened to 3 points of view about who was to blame for the fire and had to decide who we thought was to blame. It was very interesting that we all had differing opinions.

We also thoroughly enjoyed learning more about the fire service in 1666 and how and why it has developed into the fire service we have today. Mr Woods came into school and we learnt practically through activities in the playground. It would have taken a lot of people and a lot of time to pass buckets of water from the River Thames to the burning houses.


Our IC finished with an amazing exhibition of all our hard work. We displayed a variety of our learning and we were thrilled with our Great Fire of London art display where we explored artistic techniques to create fiery backgrounds with silhouette houses in the forefront. We worked so very hard in all we made in and out of school. Our home learning was out of this world!

We have loved our IC ‘Showtime’ where we became Design Technologists. We made moving pictures for the Jolly Postman’s wife to tell her more about the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We planned, made and evaluated our moving pictures and then told a part from Jack and the Beanstalk which Mrs Pike videoed and sent off to the Jolly Postman’s wife. Now, she is a Jack and the Beanstalk expert!



The new Badger children have settled in really quickly and happily into the new routines and procedures in Year 1. Well done to you all!

During our ‘Welcome’ IC, we enjoyed learning lots of white hat facts about badgers and used our artistic skills to draw badgers too.

We read the story of Elmer and discussed how we are all special and created a booklet all about ourselves. We then decorated badgers in our own individual way. Don’t they look lovely on the display?

We are looking forward to learning more as we now enter into our new IC ‘Showtime.’ Keep your eye out on this page to see more!

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Ringwood Church of England Infant School

Ringwood Church of England Infant School

School Lane, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 1LG