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Ringwood shurch of Englang Infant School

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Important Message following Government Announcement - Please read!


Dear Parents,


As you are aware the Government has decided to close schools until February half term. This means that the vast majority of children will be learning from home and we will continue to use Google Classroom for this.


There will, however, be places made available for the children of key workers and for those children who are vulnerable i.e. have an allocated social worker, an EHCP or are deemed to potentially be vulnerable by the school or local authority. In order to see the number of children this applies to; please can we ask you to complete the form via the link below by midday tomorrow, Tuesday 5th January. If you do not complete the form a place may not be able to be allocated for your child.  Once we have collated all the returns, we will be able to process them and confirm the allocation of 'in school places' by the end of tomorrow.  


In order to allow us to plan for whole school remote learning and key worker and vulnerable provision we will need to shut to all pupils, including the above specific groups, on Tuesday 5th January.  


Kind regards,

Hilary Silk


Keyworker/Vulnerable Child Place Request Form at Ringwood CE Infant School


Ringwood Church of England Infant School

Ringwood Church of England Infant School

School Lane, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 1LG