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Ringwood shurch of Englang Infant School

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Equalities (SES)

Ringwood C.E Infant School Equality Statement
The Governors and Headteacher of Ringwood C.E Infant School recognise and accept their responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, advance equality, diversity and foster good relations.   This statement should be read in conjunction with our Accessibility Plan.

We believe that all pupils and members of staff should have the opportunity to fulfil their potential whatever their background, identity and circumstance.  We are committed to creating a community that recognises and celebrates difference within a culture of respect and co-operation.  We appreciate that a culture which promotes equality in relation to all protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation) will create a positive environment and a shared sense of belonging for all who work, learn and use the services of our school.  Our commitment to equality and diversity is a fundamental part of our drive towards excellence.  
We recognise that equality will only be achieved by the whole school community working together – our learners, staff, governors and parents in particular.  
For further information on our Single Equality Statement please see the attached Statement and Objectives, or contact the school office.

Ringwood Church of England Infant School

Ringwood Church of England Infant School

School Lane, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 1LG